Your referrals fuel me every year, and it’s an honor to help the people you care about. I’m thankful to those who trust me with their real estate needs, and for spreading the word to family and friends when they’ve had a great experience.
So as a thank you to my clients, I’m sending one amazing referrer and 3 of their friends or family members on a trip to Hawaii!
Here are the details:
This trip will go to the person who sends me the most referrals from RIGHT NOW until noon on December 1st, 2024, when the winner will be announced at my annual client appreciation holiday party. You need not be present at the party to claim the prize, but we hope you can come!
A referral from you just means that you’ve introduced me to someone who is legitimately* interested in buying or selling with me, whether it’s a home, condo, or land in the Greater Seattle Area. It is not contingent upon me successfully working with the person referred. My intention is to thank you for your kind act of thinking of me, not for the results.
It does not matter what they are looking for: A $250,000 condo means the same as a $1,000,000 home buyer. Each of those count as the same — one referral.
Trip must be used in the following calendar year, 2025.
The give-away includes four roundtrip flights, not to exceed $600 per ticket.
Lodging for up to 7 nights at a location of your choice, not to exceed $400 per night.
You don’t have to be a past client of mine. Whether you’re a friend, neighbor, acquaintance, or someone who just sort of knows me via Facebook, EVERYONE is eligible for this prize! You don’t have to live in the Seattle area — you can refer me from Spokane, Sheboygan or China!
*We reserve the right to use our experience with buyers and sellers to decide if someone is legitimately interested or not.